Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Disneyland for Crystal and Mineral People

I went materials shopping yesterday, which is always so magical and fun, especially when it's the pretty stuff I get to shop for! It's always a bit of torture too, because they have all the beautiful, large pieces that I would just love to take home with me, but 1, I'm there shopping for jewelry elements, not personal stuff, and 2, they are waaaaaaaay out of my current price range!

Maybe if I ever have a physical shop/storefront I can pick some of these beauties up to display.

 To get a sense of the size of these guys, the smallest sphere is bigger than my head!

 Aisles and aisles to go through.

 Selenite in every shape and size!

 So much Amethyst! There are some candle holders in there that I had my eye on...

Giant Kyanite!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Eleven Bucks!

Check out my thrift store finds! I found 3 flameless, electric candles (working, with batteries in them!), a lovely taper candle holder with a giant star, a jam jar, and metal trinket box with roses and fleurs de lis all for $11.50! The 2 larger candles go perfectly in the candle holders I was given for my Birthday. Total score!

Friday, March 23, 2018

New Earrings Available! Harness your intuitive energy for spiritual journey, out of body experiece or and intuitive boost!

I'm in love with these earrings! I'm still deciding which ones to take for myself, so if you love them too, get them before I do!

Titanium Aura Crystal points with either Garnet, Amethyst, or Snowflake Obsidian beads.

Titanium Aura: a high frequency stone that can remove spiritual boundaries and open the third eye to aid in your astral journey and "out of body" experiences.

Garnet: Protection during travel, from evil, nightmares, and wounds. Can be used to release bad karma. Can boost energy and revitalize. Said to stabilize and bring order to chaos.

Amethyst: Protection during travel and from disease. Promotes focus and divine connection, alleviating evil thoughts and negative energy; ideal for use during meditation. Can awaken the subconscious for intense dreams.

Snowflake Obsidian: Enhances psychic abilities- thought to be great when dealing with past lives; Promotes positive outcomes and confidence; maintains equilibrium through growth and change, bringing about focus and balance during times of chaos.

Titanium aura is a high frequency stone that can remove spiritual boundaries and open the third eye while Garnet can release bad karma, boost energy and stabilize while protecting, making these earrings great for new spiritual journeys.

Amethyst is a great protector and beautifully compliments the matte black aura crystal. These are a nice, easy piece to wear during travel to give a little protective and intuitive/astral boost. These stones work great together for spiritual journeys and awakening.

 Titanium aura is a high frequency stone that can remove spiritual boundaries and open the third eye while snowflake obsidian brings about focus and balance during times of chaos and is thought to be great when dealing with past lives.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sap Moon Cycle πŸŒ‘πŸŒ’πŸŒ“πŸŒ”πŸŒ•πŸŒ–πŸŒ—πŸŒ˜πŸŒ‘

We are heading into a blue moon on the 31st and will not see another blue moon until Oct. 31st 2020! This is the time to set long term goals and intentions, which is great because my focus this moon cycle is both short and long term.

I’ve just recently finished a Visioning Workshop, so while diligently doing the work involved with that (this method is more in depth than pasting pictures onto a board, there’s a lot of pre-work and ongoing exercises), I’ve also starting Lunar tracking. Lunar tracking is great and can be used for  countless things. You can track anything from mood and appetite to finance and business, then look for patterns that coincide with the cycle of the moon.

My workbook has a place to track, as well as a blank mandala that you can really just do with as you please. This cycle I chose to divide it into quarters and set intentions for each phase, based on the energy the moon gives off during that time (for example, the waxing moon, leading up to the full moon is a time to bring things in and waning is a time to let things go). I decorated my mandala and used a lot of  inverted triangles πŸ”», representing the divine feminine, as well leaves πŸƒand the color green for growth and abundance. I’ll fill in the rest throughout the cycle.

There is a divination section where I wrote about the theme of green and growth in this cycle. I decided to do a card pull for additional guidance. The deck I used is called Waking the Wild Spirit by Poppy Palin. I love this deck!

Look how cool these are!

I pulled the Queen of Earth- Mother of Life. This card comes from the minor arcana, Spirit of the Earth, which are green to represent the Earth, which is synonymous with the qualities of the material/physical realm (land, food, finance, business, etc) and reflects being grounded, stable, safe and secure.  The Mother of Life represents mature fulfillment, ripening and competence and she holds the divine feminine in each of us as well as in the land. If you respect and protect her (earth, water, all beings) then I will protect and bless you.

What a perfect card! Mother Earth is the ultimate provider and we must work to protect her! 

Part of what I'm working on is staying on top of my jewelry posting. I do have new product, but have been terrible about posting and listing it. Hopefully you'll be seeing more from me! Be sure to follow my Instagram, @calamityabby- it's the most updated, though it can use some work too! What do you hope to accomplish this lunar cycle? What about for the blue moon cycle?